Advocacy RoundtableMaria Alanis, Advocacy ChairThe institutions of a neighborhood are vital to its health and economic strength, and public schools are one of the most important shared institutions. They function not only as centers for providing education but also as hubs for communities to organize a range of supports and opportunities for children and their families. ( You are the first responders for the English learners and families in your communities. Join other educators for the first ITBE Advocacy Roundtable to share challenges and successes, to brainstorm ideas, and to network with others who, like you, are the voice for those whose voices are not heard. For more information about the Advocacy Roundtable, including registration information, please go to the ITBE Events website: or email the ITBE Advocacy Chair, Maria Alanis at Maria Alanis, ITBE Advocacy Chair BACK | |
ITBE Link : Spring 2018 - Volume 46 Number 1 |