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A Few Words from the Higher Ed SIGBy Barb GomezWe would like to welcome all Higher Education faculty to participate in any of the future events that ITBE offers for the Higher Ed SIG. During the recent convention we had representatives from the following universities at our Higher Ed SIG meeting: College of Dupage, Northeastern Illinois University, OCC-Oakton Community College, Illinois Institute of Technology, College of Lake County, and National Louis University. We discussed pandemic teaching, enrollment decline, supporting ourselves and our students during the pandemic, and promoting diversity at our institutions of higher learning. We encourage anyone who is interested in sharing their thoughts and ideas to check out the www.ITBE.org webpage and to get involved. We also encourage reaching out to your current and past student population to encourage them to participate in professional development through our workshops and convention. Now that we have a great Zoom platform, we expect that future events will be just as easy to access and attend. Finally, please consider self-nominating as a “Member-at-Large” to become more involved in the board by becoming a co-chair of the Higher Ed SIG along with Mary Jorgenson Sullivan. Board meetings are held once a month on Saturdays and currently only online, so the time commitment is minimal. If you are interested, please email Barb Gomez (bgomez@itbe.org) or Mary Jorgenson Sullivan (mjorgens@itbe.org). Barb Gomez has been an active member of the ITBE board for the past 10 years, serving as a member at large in several capacities. She has enjoyed judging papers for the Writing Contests for Secondary Ed. SIG, giving awards as the Chair of the Awards Committee, taking notes as the Secretary, and co-chairing the Higher Ed. SIG. She has worked as an adjunct professor at National Louis University since 2001. | |
Spring 2021 - Spring 2021 |