President's Welcome

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Hello members! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, Lisa Barrett, as incoming president to the ITBE board for the 2015-2016 year. I am extremely grateful for all the guidance and support provided to me by the ITBE board members and outgoing President Debbie Sternecky.

Although I love my jobs working in higher education at University of St. Francis, Computer Systems Institute and online for Rosetta Stone, my passion for my profession is apparent through my involvement in ITBE. I have served on ITBE’s board for the past three years as higher education SIG chair, publicity chair, and most recently as vice president and convention chair. My time on the board has been irreplaceable to me as a professional. 

I’d like to extend an invitation to all members to get involved in this year’s ITBE activities. Whether it’s submitting an article for our quarterly newsletters, or attending one of our upcoming webinars or workshops, participation in professional development activities strengthens and enriches not only ourselves as educators, but the quality of education for our students.

Furthermore, we’d like to hear from you! The board strives to provide professional development activities that focus on the daily challenges we all face as educators. Consider contacting your SIG chair with suggestions for activities or topics you’d like to know more about, or help plan one of our workshops and even our great convention in February. I am committed to working with the board to address the issues that matter most to our members. Feel free to message me at  any time with suggestions, comments, or questions.

I hope you all are having a wonderful summer, and please look forward to our upcoming events and activities as we kick off another year of wonderful professional development opportunities through this outstanding organization. I am excited to serve as this year’s president and can’t wait to get to work!

Lisa M. Barrett
President, ITBE

ITBE Link - Summer 2015 - Volume 43 Number 2