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ITBE Members in the News Publishing News Former SIU-Carbondale educators, Paul McPherron and Patrick T. Randolph, recently published an article,"Thinking Like Researchers: An ESL Project That Investigates Local Communities" in TESOL Journal. The article focuses on two project-based activities that get students out into their local communities to research the social actions of Americans. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tesj.80/abstract Call for Submissions and Survey Request Authors Paul McPherron and Patrick T. Randolph are writing a book on teaching and learning idioms for TESOL Publications. If you would like to submit a lesson plan for publication in their book please go to http://www.tesol.org/read-and-publish/information-for-authors/call-for-authors, and if you would like to participate in their instructor survey on idioms, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/teachingidioms. Thank you for your participation! Do you have news to share? The Link is a great place to share professional accomplishments with our members throughout Illinois. Email a short write-up to news@itbe.org. | |
The ITBE Link - Summer 2013 |