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Article I. Membership

A. All members in good standing shall have the right to:

        1. Hold office in the Association,

        2. Attend all professional and business meetings, workshops, lectures, seminars, conventions, and other
            gatherings of an educational nature held under the auspices of the Association,

        3. Register for Association events at reduced member rates or at no charge, as applicable,

        4. Receive the Association newsletter and other mailings to the general membership,

        5. Belong to a Special Interest Group (SIG) and vote at its meetings,

        6. Vote on all matters concerning the general membership, as stated in the Constitution and the Bylaws,

        7. Serve on and chair committees of the Association,

        8. Present suggestions and requests of a professional nature to the Executive Board,

        9. Make nominations through the Nominations Committee or by petition to the Executive Board, and

        10. Apply for Association awards.

B. Annual dues shall be established by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. Any change in dues shall become
     effective the fiscal year after the year in which it is approved. The Executive Board may establish special categories of
     membership and the criteria for such categories, special time periods of membership, and special dues particular to
     each. It is the general policy of Illinois TESOL/BE that fees or charges associated with the services and programs
     may be waived or reduced in accordance with a participant's ability to pay. The Executive Board shall have the
     necessary discretion to make such waivers or reductions, when appropriate, in accordance with the approved budget
     and scholarship/grant awards policy. Program fee schedules shall be set in accordance with Illinois requirements for
     tax-exempt organizations.

C. All fees for the Annual Convention shall be established upon recommendation of the Convention Chair with a two-thirds
    vote of the Executive Board at least one hundred twenty days prior to the Convention.

D. Non-members may be charged a fee to attend professional meetings. This fee may be waived for members of the
     organizations jointly sponsoring programs.

Article II. Finances

A. The Treasurer, as the chief financial officer of the Association, shall be authorized to conduct the financial affairs of the
     Association. In the instances when the Treasurer is unable to act as the chief financial officer of the Association, the
     President shall be so authorized. If for some reason both the Treasurer and the President are unable to act, the Vice
     President shall be so authorized.

B. Any expenditure which exceeds the amount in the budget approved by the Executive Board need not be paid by the

C. All bills authorized by the Executive Board shall be paid within thirty days of their receipt. The Association shall not
     be liable for bills received after one year of their authorization.

D. No member of the Association shall be authorized to:

        1. Borrow money in the name of the Association, or

        2. Lend the Association's monies.

E. No member of the Association shall receive payment for services (time and/or labor) rendered to the Association,
    except by prior approval of two-thirds of the Executive Board.

F. The President, The Vice President, and the Treasurer shall have access to the online accounting software

Article III. Compliance with TESOL

A. The Past President, as liaison officer with TESOL, shall complete the Annual Report required by TESOL. It shall be
     made available to any member upon request and may be printed in the Newsletter.

B. The President shall be the delegate of the Association to the Affiliate Assembly of TESOL. If the President is unable
     to be the delegate, the Vice President shall be an alternate delegate. If both the President and the Vice President are
     unable to be the delegate to the Affiliate Assembly, an alternate delegate to the Affiliate Assembly shall be chosen by
     the Executive Board from among those past Presidents of the Association who will be attending the Annual
     Convention of TESOL. If none of the above is available, the Executive Board shall choose the alternate delegate from
      among the other members of the Executive Board who will be attending the convention.

Article IV. Terms and Functions of the Executive Board 

A. President

1. The President shall serve for one year, from July 1 through June 30.

2. The President shall

3. (a) preside over all meetings of the Association,

4. (b) appoint all chairs of standing committees, not otherwise designated elsewhere in the Constitution or Bylaws,

5. (c) with the Executive Secretary, act as the chief official representative of the Association,

6. (d) submit an annual calendar to the Executive Board for approval at its first meeting of the year,

7. (e) serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees,

8. (f) with the Vice President and the Executive Secretary, count and certify all mail and electronic ballots of the
    Association, and

9. (g) make appointments, with the approval of the Executive Board, to fill vacancies on the Board as specified in Article
    VIII of the Constitution (p. 4).

10. The President may:

11. (a) appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, not more than three members at large to the Executive Board
     whose terms shall expire with that of the President, and

12. (b) appoint a Parliamentarian, whose term shall expire with that of the President, to assist in the running of business

B. Past President

1. The Past President shall serve for one year, from July 1 through June 30.

2. The Past President shall

3. (a) serve as official liaison to TESOL, other TESOL affiliates, and other organizations with similar concerns

4. (b) write the annual report

5. (c) advise and assist the President, and

6. (d) be available to serve on Standing or Ad Hoc Committees

C . Vice President

1. The Vice President shall be elected for a term of one year, from July 1 through June 30, and be the President-Elect of
     the Association.

2. The Vice President shall

3. (a) preside at all official occasions when the President is absent, upon the request of the President or the Executive

4. (b) be responsible for the recording, certification, and announcement of all votes cast by the Executive Board and the
    general membership,

5. (c) be responsible for coordinating the selection of the future Convention site as specified in Article X of the
    Constitution, and

6. (d) with the President and the Executive Secretary, count and certify all mail and electronic ballots of the Association.

C. Convention Committee Chair (which is by de facto the Vice President unless otherwise filled as its own chair)

1. The Convention Committee Chair will be appointed by the President

2. As chair of the Annual Convention, the Convention Committee Chair shall

3. (a) plan, prepare, promote, implement, and evaluate the Annual Convention;

4. (b) appoint, not later than September 1 and with the approval of the Executive Board, all subcommittees needed to
    implement the Annual Convention;

5. (c) report the progress of the Annual convention at each Executive Board meeting; and

6. (d) compile all subcommittee reports into a final report no later than sixty days after the Annual Convention.

F. Executive Secretary

1. The Executive Secretary shall be appointed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board for a term of two years. The
     appointment may be renewed for additional two-year periods or extended for one-year periods.

2. The Executive Secretary shall act as the recorder of all business meetings of the Association,

3. The Executive Secretary shall:

4. (a) with the President, act as the official representative of the Association,

5. (b) with the Treasurer, coordinate all financial records pertinent to membership, such as membership dues and
    convention registration,

6. (c) be responsible for maintaining accurate, up-to-date lists for the Association, including membership records of SIGs
    and committee work preferences,

7. (d) secure and maintain the official mailing address for the Association,

8. (e) be responsible, along with the Membership Committee, for the registration/membership procedures, materials and
    personnel at all professional meetings of the Association, including the Annual Convention,

9. (f) be responsible for all official mailings* of the Association, and

10. (g) with the President and the Vice President, count and certify all mail and electronic ballots of the Association.

11. (h) be responsible for the maintenance of the documents of the Association, including but not limited to an accurate,
     up-to-date list of rules and regulations, files of minutes of all meetings, amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
     of the Association, position papers, public testimony, reports, and policies,

G. Treasurer

1. The Treasurer shall be appointed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board for a term of two years. The appointment
    may be renewed for additional two-year periods or extended for one-year periods.

2. The Treasurer shall:

3. (a) act as chief financial officer of the Association,

4. (b) provide accurate monthly accounting and a fiscal year-end report reviewed by an outside accountant of Association
    funds and their disbursement,

5. (c) submit a final accounting of the Annual Convention income and expenses to the Convention Committee Chair no
    later than forty-five days after the Annual Convention,

6. (d) with the Executive Secretary, coordinate all financial records pertinent to membership, such as membership dues
    and convention registration,

7. (e) chair the Budget Committee,

8. (f) submit an annual budget for the Association to the Executive Board for approval no later than September 1 of each

H. Editor of the Newsletter

1. The Editor of the Newsletter shall be appointed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board for a period of two years.
    The appointment may be renewed for additional two-year periods or extended for one-year periods.

2. The Editor of the Newsletter shall

3. (a) be responsible for the publication and dissemination of news and information concerning the Association, the
    teaching of English to speakers of other languages, bilingual education, and other related fields through the newsletter
    as stipulated in the Constitution and Bylaws,

4. (b) serve as Chair of the Newsletter Committee and appoint members to the Newsletter Committee,

5. (c) set dates of publication for the newsletter, in coordination with the Director of Exhibits and Advertising and with the
    approval of the Executive Board, and

6. (d) act as the publication liaison to TESOL and other TESOL affiliates.

I. Director of Exhibits and Advertising

1. The Director of Exhibits and Advertising shall be appointed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board for a period of
    three years. The appointment may be renewed for additional three-year periods or extended for one-year periods.

2. The Director of Exhibits and Advertising shall

3. (a) be responsible for the Association's contact with all commercial exhibitors and advertisers,

4. (b) with the approval of the Executive Board, set fees annually for commercial exhibiting and advertising, and

5. (c) assist in the site selection for the Annual Convention.

J. Technology Chair

1. The Technology Chair which shall be appointed by the Executive Board for a term of 2 years.

2. This Chair shall be responsible for editing the ITBE website in collaboration with the Webmaster, updating the
    membership database along with the Database Manager, and employing any Board-approved web applications to send
    notifications to the membership on an as-needed basis.

3. This Chair, with applicable committee chairs and the participating venue audio-visual staff, shall be responsible for
     assisting appropriate AV needs for all ITBE events.

K. Members-At-Large

1. Members-at-large fall into two categories: nine elected by the membership and up to a maximum of three appointed by
    the President. Elected Members-at-large shall be elected for three-year terms. Three members shall be elected each
    year. Members appointed by the President shall serve one year to correspond with the term of the President.

2. All Members-at-large shall:

3. (a) serve as liaisons to and chairs of standing and/or ad hoc committees,

4. (b) support the officers and other members of the Executive Board, and

5. (c) actively participate in the business and activities of the Association.

L. Special Interest Group Chairs

1. Special Interest Group Chairs shall be elected by their respective memberships no later than May 15 and serve as
    members of the Executive Board for a term of one year, from July 1 through June 30.

2. Special Interest Group Chairs shall

3. (a) act as liaison of their Special Interest Group to the Executive Board.

4. (b) encourage participation of the Special Interest Group members in the activities of the Association,

5. (c) submit a budget request by August 1 and an annual report of the Special Interest Group activities by June 30 of the
    following year.

6. (d) represent the interests of their SIGs and make contributions to the Professional Development Events Committee,
    the Annual Convention Committee, and the Newsletter Committee, and

7. (e) be available for assignment to standing and/or ad hoc committees.

Article V. Standing Committees

All Standing Committees shall submit a budget request by August 1 and an annual report by June 30 of the following year. Committees shall be overseen by their respective Chair on the Executive Board.

A. Budget
1. The Budget Chair shall be the Treasurer.

2. The Budget Chair shall be responsible for submitting an annual budget for the Association to the Executive Board for
    its approval, no later than September 1 of each year.

3. At the first meeting of the Executive Board each year, the Budget Committee shall solicit a budget request from the
    Executive Secretary for the operational expenses of the Association.

4. At the first meeting of the Executive Board each year, the Budget Committee shall solicit a budget request from the
    Convention Chair and from the chairs of all standing and ad hoc committees to fund their projects for the year.

5. The Budget Committee shall be responsible for overseeing all financial matters of the Association.

B. Annual Convention Committee

1. The Annual Convention Committee shall be chaired by the Convention Committee Chair (VP). The Chair shall appoint
    subcommittee chairs as needed.

2. The Annual Convention Committee shall be responsible for the planning, publicizing, implementation, and evaluation of
    the Annual Convention with the cooperation of all committees of the Association.

3. A subcommittee of the Annual Convention Committee consisting of the Vice President, the Convention Chair, the Past
    Convention Chair, and the Director of Exhibits and Advertising shall conduct a search for the future convention site.

C. Membership and Registration

1. Membership Chair shall consist of the Operations Manager. The Chair may appoint subcommittee chairs from the
   Executive Board.

2. This Chair shall be responsible for supporting events and activities to promote and retain membership in the

3. This Chair shall be responsible for registration and membership procedures for all professional meetings including the
    Annual Convention.

D. Newsletter

1. The Chair of the Newsletter Committee shall be the Editor of the Newsletter. The Chair shall appoint subcommittee
    chairs as needed.

2. This Committee shall be responsible for the publication of the Association newsletter.

3. Publication dates of the newsletter shall be set by the Editor of the Newsletter with the approval of the Executive

E. Nominations Committee

1. The Nominations Committee shall consist of the Past President. The Chair shall appoint subcommittee chairs as

2. The Nominations Committee shall be responsible for the annual election of the Association. The Nominations
    Committee shall conduct the annual election as follows:

3. (a) The Nominations Committee shall formally request names of nominees to the various offices from the general
         membership. This shall be done through the newsletter or a mailing no later than the annual convention.

4. (b) Nominations for Vice President and Members-at-large of the Executive Board shall be made by the Nominations
         Committee and presented as a slate to the Executive Board no later than March 15.

5. (c) The ballot shall list at least one nominee for the office of Vice President, and at least six nominees for three
         Member-at-large positions.

6. (d) The names of additional nominees may be placed on the ballot by the petition of at least ten members of the
         Association in good standing if such names are presented to the Executive Board by March 15.

7. (e) The slate of nominees to the Executive Board shall, as far as possible, represent the geographic and professional
         distribution of the membership of the Association.

8. (f) All nominees for office shall be apprised in writing by the Nominations Committee of the responsibilities and
        requirements of office. The Committee shall provide each candidate with the appropriate job description. The
        nominees shall be required to affirm their acceptance in writing.

9. (g) The Committee shall request each candidate to inform the Chair of the Nominations Committee in writing of receipt
        of the appropriate job description, acceptance of the nomination, and membership-in-good-standing of the
        Association. Each candidate shall submit in writing to the Nominations Chair a biographical statement and any
        requested material pertinent to the election.

10. (h) The Committee, in cooperation with the Executive Secretary, shall be responsible for the preparation and
           dissemination of the ballot and all other pertinent election material.

11. (i) Ballots shall be sent to members in good standing for a secret mail vote no later than the Monday after the April
         board meeting.

12. (j) Ballots shall be counted and certified no later than May 15. A tie will be broken by secret ballot of the Executive

13. All elected Executive Board members shall assume office on July 1 and be introduced to the general membership at
      the first fall meeting of the Association.

F. Advocacy

1. The Chair shall appoint committee members, as needed.

2. This Committee shall be responsible for representing and promoting the Association and its professional concerns at
     the local, state, and national levels, including the preparation of testimony.

3. This Committee shall keep the Association apprised of all issues and legislation relevant to the interest and needs of
    the membership. It shall be responsible for the dissemination of such information to the Association.

4. This Committee shall act as liaison with TESOL committees for professional concerns and advocacy.

G. Professional Development

1. The Chair shall appoint committee members, as needed.

2. This Committee shall be responsible for the planning, preparation, promotion, implementation, and evaluation of at
    least two professional development events annually, apart from the Annual Convention, with the cooperation of other
    Association committees.

H. Publicity

1. The Chair shall appoint committee members as needed.

2. This Committee shall be responsible for the dissemination of information about the activities of the Association to its
    members, TESOL, other professional organizations, public and private agencies, the media, and other interested
    persons. This Committee shall work in conjunction with the Newsletter Committee, the Annual Convention Committee,
    and other Association committees as needed.

I. Awards Committee

1. The Awards Committee shall consist of a Chair and at least two members, one of which should be the President. The
    Chair shall appoint subcommittee chairs as needed.

2. The Awards Committee shall publicize the awards, encourage applications from eligible candidates, evaluate the
    applications, make any recommendations to the Executive Board for its approval, and publicize the granting of the

J. Technology

1. The Technology Committee shall consist of a Chair and up to two other members. The Chair shall appoint committee
    members as needed.

2. This Committee shall be responsible for editing the ITBE website in collaboration with the Webmaster, updating the
    membership database along with the Database Manager, and employing any Board-approved web applications to send
    notifications to the membership on an as-needed basis.

3. This Committee, with applicable committee chairs and the participating venue audio-visual staff, shall be responsible
    for assisting appropriate AV needs for all ITBE events.

Article VI. Electronic Voting

Electronic votes on main and secondary motions will be accepted whenever there is a need to conduct business electronically prior to the next board meeting. The process for conducting an electronic vote shall be:

A. The maker of the motion must submit the motion electronically to the Executive Secretary who will distribute it to all
     board members;

B. If the Executive Secretary is not able to handle the motion, the President will then take charge;

C. The e-business motion must be seconded unless it has been submitted by a committee;

D. Time for debate must be allowed for a minimum of five working days unless the Executive Secretary decides the
     situation warrants a more immediate response;

E. A deadline for returning votes will be stated;

F. A simple majority of the board must vote and a simple majority of those voting will carry the motion unless otherwise
    specified in the Constitution;

G.The Executive Secretary will be responsible for tallying, recording, and reporting on the vote.

Article VII. Online ITBE Board Management System

Current and incoming board members shall be issued an email address and be enrolled in the online board software system. This email address will be used for all official board communications. After a board member has vacated their position their email account will be terminated after a period of six months. The account, emails, and documents contained within the account remain property of the Association. The President, Vice President, and Technology Chair positions shall be granted administrative privileges and are charged with keeping the database up to date.

Article VIII. Amendments

A. Amendments to the Bylaws, not in conflict with the Constitution, may be made by a two-thirds vote of the members of
    the Executive Board.

B. Petitions for amendments of the Bylaws, whether by members of the Executive Board or by the membership, shall be
     presented to the Executive Board in writing at a regular business meeting.

An amendment to the Bylaws may not be voted on until the meeting following its initial presentation to the Executive Board. All members of the Executive Board must be apprised of the amendment by mail, prior to the meeting at which it is to be voted upon. A vote in writing may be accepted.

*throughout this document, "mailing(s)" or "mail" denotes electronic and/or paper mailings