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Article I. Name

The name of the Association shall be the Illinois Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and Bilingual Education (Illinois TESOL-BE or ITBE). The Association is an affiliate of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL). 

Article II. Mission

A. Illinois TESOL-BE is a professional, non-profit organization for the strengthening, at all levels, of instruction and research in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages and in bilingual education through the promotion of scholarship, the dissemination of information, and advocacy, in cooperation with other groups and organizations having similar concerns.

B. Illinois TESOL-BE respects and celebrates the home languages and cultures of its members and of all English language learners and bilingual speakers.

Article III. Membership

A.  Membership in Illinois TESOL-BE shall be open to any individual who are involved with teaching English to speakers of other languages, bilingual education, or other related fields.

B.  In principle and in practice, Illinois TESOL-BE values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the field of English language teaching. Illinois TESOL-BE promotes involvement and broad access to professional opportunities for all and works to eliminate any kind of discrimination including, but not limited to, language background, race, creed, color, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, health/medical condition, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, or marital status.

C. A member shall be a member-in-good-standing upon application and payment of the dues of the organization, as established by the Executive Board.

D. Members in good standing shall be entitled to participate in the activities of Illinois TESOL-BE, including votes of the general membership, attendance at all meetings of the Association, and membership in a Special Interest Group (Refer to Bylaws, Article I, for membership benefits).

E. All votes of the general membership shall be by a simple majority of those voting, unless otherwise stipulated in the Constitution or Bylaws.

Article IV. Regional Chapters

A. Regional Chapters of Illinois TESOL-BE may be established at the discretion of the Executive Board upon the request of such a group from a specific geographic region.

1. The Regional Chapters shall present a Statement of Purpose and a set of Bylaws to the Executive Board for approval. 
2. The Regional Chapters shall present to the Executive Board a list of at least ten members in good standing who will e members of a particular Regional Chapter.
3. The Regional Chapters may provide professional workshops and request a budget from the Executive Board for the expenses of the Regional Chapters.

B. A representative from each Regional Chapter shall be elected annually to serve as a voting member of the Executive Board.

Article V. Special Interest Groups

A. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of Illinois TESOL-BE may be established at the discretion of the Executive Board upon the request of such a group.
1. The Special Interest Groups shall present a Statement of Purpose to the Executive Board for approval.

2. The Special Interest Groups shall present to the Executive Board a list of at least thirty members in good standing who will be members of a particular Special Interest Group. If thirty members minimum cannot be met, the creation of the Special Interest Group will be at the discretion of the Executive Board with a two-thirds vote necessary for creation.

3. The Special Interest Groups may request a budget from the Executive Board for the expenses of the Special Interest Groups.

B. The Chairs of the Special Interest Groups shall be elected annually and shall be voting members of the Executive Board.

Article VI. Administration

A. Executive Board
1. The Executive Board shall be the governing body of Illinois TESOL-BE. It shall be responsible for the operations,
    finances, and policies of the Association, both current and long-range.
2. The Officers of Illinois TESOL-BE shall be the President, the Vice President and the Convention Committee Chair.
3. The Executive Board of Illinois TESOL-BE shall consist of the Officers, the Past President, the Past Convention
    Committee Chair, the Associate Convention Committee Chair, the Executive Secretary, the Treasurer, the Editor of the
    Newsletter, the Director of Exhibits and Advertising, members-at-large elected by the membership, members-at-large
    appointed by the President, Special Interest Group Chairs, and Regional Chapter representatives.
4. The Executive Board shall be constituted annually, from July 1 through June 30.

5. All members of the Executive Board shall be voting members of the Executive Board.
6. A quorum shall be a simple majority of the Executive Board.
7. All votes of the Executive Board shall be by a simple majority of those present unless otherwise stated in the
   Constitution and Bylaws.
8. All members of the Executive Board must be members in good standing of Illinois TESOL-BE. The officers of the
   Executive Board shall also be members in good-standing of TESOL.
9. The Executive Board shall establish annually a regular schedule for business meetings, which shall be open to the
    general membership and in communication with the membership such as in the Association newsletter and ITBE
10. The Executive Board shall approve, by a two-thirds vote, an annual budget for the Association.
11. The business meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts' Rules of Order.

B. Standing Committees

1. Standing committees may be formed by the respective Executive Board Chair and may include, but not be limited to,
    the Planning Committee, the Annual Convention Committee, the Newsletter Committee, the Nominations Committee,
    the Advocacy Committee, the Professional Development Committee, the Publicity Committee, the Awards
    Committee, the Budget Committee, the Part-Time Issues Committee, and the Technology Committee.

2. Standing Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President from the members of the Association with the
    approval of the Executive Board, for a term to coincide with that of the President.

3. Committee members shall be appointed by the various Chairs in accordance with the Bylaws for the term of the Chair
    and with the approval of the Executive Board. Committee members shall reflect, as much as possible, the
    geographical and professional distribution of the membership.

4. Standing Committee Chairs shall appoint subcommittee chairs as needed and coordinate the activities of the subcommittees. Standing Committee Chairs or their Board liaisons shall present reports at business meetings of  the Executive Board.

5. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and may appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, other ex-officio members to all committees except the Nominations Committee.

C. Ad Hoc Committees

1. The President may appoint ad hoc committees with the approval of, or at the request of, the Executive Board.
Chairs of ad hoc committees shall be appointed from the membership of the Association by the President with the
    approval of the Executive Board.
3. Ad hoc committees shall be appointed for specific reasons and for specified periods of time, generally terminating no
    later than the end of the President's term of office unless otherwise authorized by the Executive Board.
4. Chairs or Board liaisons of ad hoc committees shall present reports at business meetings of the Executive Board.


Article VII. Nominations and Elections

A. A general election shall be held annually. The Nominations Chair, the Past-President, shall request names of
    nominees to the various offices from the general membership. A final slate of candidates shall be approved by the
    Executive Board and submitted to the membership for a vote.

B. All elected Executive Board members shall assume office on July 1 and be introduced to the general membership at
    the first fall meeting of the Association.

Article VIII. Vacancies in the Executive Board

A. A vacancy in the Office of President shall be immediately filled by the Vice President, who shall serve for the
     remainder of this term and for the duly-elected term. A presidential appointee shall then fulfill the duties of the Vice
     President during the year of the vacancy.

B. A vacancy in the Office of Vice President shall be filled by a special general election. The election shall be conducted
     within 45 days of the day of vacancy. The Executive Board shall submit the name(s) of nominee(s) for that election. If
     the election is not completed by July 1, the outgoing president shall remain in office until the election is completed.

C. A vacancy in a member at large position shall be filled by presidential appointment with the approval of the Executive
    Board. The appointee shall hold office until the following election. The Nominations Committee shall provide the names
    of suitable candidates to fill the remaining one-/two-year vacancy. These names shall be presented as part of the
    annual slate of candidates for office.

D. A vacancy in any appointed position (such as Convention Committee Chair) shall be filled by the Executive Board with
    a two-thirds vote. The length of the appointment shall be decided by the Board, not to exceed the remainder of the
    term being vacated. The membership grants the Executive Board the ability to fill a vacant board or vacated position
    with another candidate that will be appointed to the vacant or vacated position without a call for a general vote to the
    membership, but rather only with a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. This candidate will be considered a full
    member of the ITBE Executive Board as long as the candidate is a member and in good standing. The term of a
    member voted onto the Board in this manner will not exceed the general appointed term of the vacated position.

E. A vacancy in the position of SIG Chair or Regional Chapter representative shall be filled by a special election of the
    SIG or Regional Chapter membership no later than the conclusion of the next meeting of the SIG or Regional Chapter.

Article IX. Removal from Office

A. A request for resignation of a member of the Executive Board may be made upon a two-thirds vote of the members of
    the Executive Board. The request for resignation shall be made in writing either electronically or otherwise by the
    President and submitted to the board member following a discussion by the Executive Board about the removal.
    Following this action, if the member chooses not to resign, then the member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of
    the Executive Board at a subsequent meeting. The member shall be given the opportunity to defend his/her case prior
    to this final vote. If the member cannot be contacted, or does not respond to the request for resignation before the next
    scheduled board meeting, they waive their right to defend their case and may be immediately removed with a two-
    thirds vote of the members of the Executive Board.

B. Any member of the Executive Board may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the membership as a whole. 

Article X. Meetings

A. The Association shall hold an Annual Business and Professional Meeting, called the Illinois TESOL-BE Annual
     Convention, for the purposes of professional development and advancement. The time and place of the Annual
     Convention shall be determined at least ten months in advance.

B. There shall be at least two professional development meetings (e.g. webinars, workshops, etc.) of the Association per
     year, not including the Annual Convention, for the purpose of professional development.

Article XI. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of Illinois TESOL-BE shall be July 1 through June 30.  

Article XII. Amendments

A. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board or by petition to
    the Executive Board of any ten members in good standing of the Association.

B. Any proposed amendment must be presented with full rationale to the Association membership within ninety days of
    its acceptance by the Executive Board.

C. Each Association member will be issued a ballot and allowed thirty days to vote.

D. An amendment shall be considered enacted if two-thirds of those voting approve. Counting and certification of any vote
    shall be done by the Executive Secretary and the President, and shall be announced to the Executive Board and to
    the Association membership .