Volume 46 Number 1

Advocacy Roundtable

Maria Alanis, Advocacy Chair

Join other educators for the first ITBE Advocacy Roundtable to share challenges and successes, to brainstorm ideas, and to network with others who, like you, are the voice for those whose voices are not heard.  
May 12, 2018    9:00 – 11:00 AM    Harper College in Palatine, IL


Fall 2018 Convention

Save the date!
Join us at ITBE's Fall Mini-Convention!. More information will be made available this summer. 

2018 Elementary Poetry Contest Winners

Illinois ITBE is proud to announce the winners of the 2018 Elementary Poetry Contest. There
were a total of 190 entries. Congratulations to the 15 teacher sponsors and the writers
of the winning poems!


Are you interested in joining ITBE?

Would you like to work with a group of dedicated volunteers that run ITBE and make a difference in your professional field?


From “No” to “Tell me more”: How to Foster Students’ Initiatives

Hannah Harris

Teaching Tip: Fostering Students' Initiatives

In the undergraduate composition course I teach, students have a great deal of flexibility to create projects using a combination of audio, visual, and video. Over the past year teaching this course, I have grappled with responding to students’ project proposals. I have a natural tendency to question students’ rationales for a project based on my interpretation of my rubric and the constrains of the project. Gradually, I have started to move from saying “No” to “Tell me more” when I respond to students’ ideas.


My Experience at TESOL 2018

Allison Lewis

I attended the TESOL International Convention during the last week of March, which was a great experience. It was my first time attending the conference, and I went to a lot of interesting sessions. These are the highlights from some of my favorite sessions:


Outside Sources: Selecting and Integrating Direct Quotes and Paraphrases

Heather Torrie

As a teacher of advanced, academic writing for the past ten years in an intensive English program, I thrive on finding ways to prepare students for authentic writing in their future undergraduate and graduate programs. An essential piece of academic writing is effective implementation of outside sources. 


2018 Elementary Poetry Contest Cermony

Angie Remigio

The awards ceremony will be held on Friday, April 20, 2018 at 5:00 P.M at the Tate Woods Elementary School, 1736 Middleton Av. Lisle Illinois 60535 .

ITBE Link : Spring 2018 - Volume 46 Number 1